We provide theological education and leadership in pursuit of a just, sustainable and generative world.
MTSO is a graduate theological school that prepares students for lives of lasting significance. Our students are inspired and challenged in their journey by an outstanding faculty, accomplished alumni and faithful friends of the school. Located on 80 hillside acres in Greater Columbus, the MTSO campus is a place where church, society and scholarship intersect for the benefit of all three.
This location also offers the advantages and ministry opportunities of the 15th largest city in the United States. We in the MTSO community are honored to be a seminary of the United Methodist Church, just as we’re pleased to prepare students from 20 different denominations for many forms of ministry. Our fully accredited academic programs are led by faculty members who teach with passion and who contribute internationally and across numerous denominations to scholarly religious dialogue.
A greeting from the president
Rev. Jay Rundell welcomes you to a school charged with a challenging and inspiring mission.
News from a busy campus
New chapters of the MTSO story are constantly being written. Catch up on the latest news here.