M.A., Claremont School of Theology, 1999
M.Div., Claremont School of Theology, 1994
B.S., Institut Superieur Pedagogique de Kamina, D.R. Congo, 1989
Pastoral care; pastoral counseling and psychotherapy, with a focus on multicultural and diversity issues; gender issues; spiritual and psychological impact of forgiveness and reconciliation; congregational care; grief care and counseling; family systems theory and therapy; postcolonial approaches to pastoral care, including postcolonial critical psychology; trauma studies, especially postcolonial trauma in the African experience; spiritual care in African religious traditions; constructive pastoral theology.
"Gender Injustice and Pastoral Care in an African Context: Perichoresis as a Transformative Theological Resource," Journal of Theology 110 (2006): 45-56.
African Women's Theology, Gender Relations and Family Systems Theory: Pastoral Theological Considerations and Guidelines for Care and Counseling, New York: Peter Lang, 2004.