Ohio Interfaith Power and Light Event
MTSO hosts Climate Conversation Thursday evening

The Theological Commons at MTSO will host a public Climate Conversation, presented by Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 22. The event will be held in the Alford Centrum.
While there is no charge, those who plan to participate are asked to register in advance here.
The Climate Conversation features a presentation by Joel Barker of the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at Ohio State University and Ted Ford of Ohio Advanced Energy Economy. They will discuss the impact of climate change in Ohio and the potential of energy efficiency and renewable energy to fuel Ohio’s economy. Their presentation will be broadcast live to those gathered at three additional Ohio locations:
- Trinity Cathedral, 2230 Euclid Ave., in Cleveland.
- Xavier University, Kennedy Auditorium, Conaton Learning Center, 3800 Victory Parkway, in Cincinnati.
- United Theological Seminary, 4501 Denlinger Road, in Dayton.
Following the presentation, each site will host a conversation about climate change that honors different perspectives, faith affiliations and responses. MTSO's discussion will be moderated by President Jay Rundell. Locally sourced refreshments, featuring food from Seminary Hill Farm, will be served. Displays from Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, along with other environmentally focused groups, will be available for viewing beginning at 6:45 p.m.
Joel Barker is an assistant professor at the School of Earth Sciences at Ohio State University at Marion and research scientist at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. Ted Ford is the President and CEO of Ohio Advanced Energy Economy Ohio, a trade association that advocates for advanced energy policies, the adoption of advanced energy technologies and the growth of Ohio’s advanced energy sectors.
Ohio Interfaith Power and Light empowers a religious response to climate change and promotes energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy. It focuses on tangible results in religious communities, putting faith into action.