From The President
We welcome a new assistant professor of New Testament

Greetings from a campus where students are anticipating the start of their mid-term recess and Holy Week break. Of course, as our alumni will recall, “break” is most likely a misnomer in this context. Along with the reading and writing assignments that they’ll carry through this time away, a good number of our students will be very busy in various leadership and service roles leading up to Good Friday and Easter.
As we enter a growing season, I’m pleased to announce our faculty will soon expand by one member. At its Feb. 27 meeting, the MTSO Board of Trustees voted unanimously to appoint Ryan Schellenberg assistant professor of New Testament, effective July 1.
Dr. Schellenberg comes to us from Fresno Pacific University, where he has served as an assistant professor and program director of Biblical and Religious Studies. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto, his Master of Arts in New Testament at Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary and his BA at Canadian Mennonite University. One example of his work is teaching Paul’s prison letters with an eye toward the role of incarceration in the U.S. criminal justice system.
Dean Lisa Withrow, who nominated him for this appointment, said, “Dr. Schellenberg brings a wealth of academic research and teaching expertise to our faculty. He is passionate about cultivating a theological imagination through critical study of the Bible as a catalyst for transformative engagement with the church and the world.”
As you read this issue of Campus View, you’ll see that we have a busy spring planned. I hope you’ll take advantage of opportunities to visit campus for one or more of our special events and engage with your seminary. In the meantime, I welcome your calls and correspondence.