MTSO alumni ordained and commissioned by West Ohio

Methodist Theological School in Ohio celebrates the ordination of four alumni during the 2012 West Ohio Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, as well as the commissioning of three recent graduates as provisional elders.
During the June 12 ceremony at Lakeside, Ohio, three MTSO alumni were ordained as elders:
- April Blaine, lead pastor at Summit on 16th UMC in Columbus.
- Nancy Day-Achauer, who begins as pastor at St. Mark's UMC in Columbus July 1.
- Paul Ernst, who begins appointments as pastor at North UMC and Parkview UMC in Columbus on July 1.
MTSO alum Julia Nielsen, who was ordained as deacon, is minister at Hilltonia UMC and New Horizons UMC in Columbus. She also serves as executive director of the Greater Hilltop Area Shalom Zone, which provides economic, cultural, religious and social activities that enhance the quality of life in Columbus's Hilltop area.
These three MTSO alumni were commissioned as provisional elders:
- Christopher Henderson-Johns, who begins serving Anderson Hills UMC in Cincinnati through the West Ohio residency program July 1.
- Dawn Marie Swartz, who begins appointments serving New Dover UMC and Ostrander UMC July 1.
- John Wooden, pastor at Stone Village Church in Columbus.
"It's extremely rewarding to see our graduates take these important steps in their ministry," said MTSO President Jay Rundell. "I enjoyed celebrating these milestones with them and our West Ohio friends at Lakeside."
West Ohio has published photos from the ceremony here.
Methodist Theological School in Ohio prepares leaders of many faith traditions for lives of significance in service to the church and the world. The school offers master's degrees in divinity, counseling ministries, theological studies and practical theology, as well as a Doctor of Ministry degree. For more information, visit
Danny Russell, director of communications, 740-362-3322