Kampen and Mercadante named distinguished research professors
Upon nomination by the president and dean, the MTSO Board of Trustees has voted to name Linda Mercadante and John Kampen distinguished research professors.

“Dr. Kampen and Dr. Mercadante both have been highly productive scholars and are in process with forthcoming work and publications,” said MTSO President Jay Rundell regarding the two retiring faculty members. “This provides them with an ongoing academic home and keeps the school connected to their important work. While they will no longer be regular members of the faculty, it will be great asset to the school to be associated with their ongoing scholarship.”
MTSO Board Chair David Wilcox expressed his appreciation for the two scholars: “The scholarly contributions of faculty are important to the school as well as both church and academy. Dr. Kampen and Dr. Mercadante have been particularly productive and influential. I am glad they will continue to be known as MTSO people.”

Said MTSO Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs Valerie Bridgeman, “It is rare that a scholar spends an entire institutional career at one place, and yet Dr. Mercadante made a commitment to MTSO to launch her teaching ministry and scholarly curiosity from here. She has become an internationally known scholar as it relates to the theological and spiritual longings of people not affiliated with any religious communion. Her prestige as a constructive theologian has also highlighted MTSO as a site of scholarship.”
Bridgeman continued, “Dr. Kampen is a well-respected scholar on the Dead Sea Scrolls. What a gift to this community that he came to lead, teach and study among us. I have been particularly grateful for his administrative wisdom from when he served as a dean here and at Payne Seminary. He has been generous in this regard. He's been a sage for many of us, students, administrators, staff and faculty alike.”
Methodist Theological School in Ohio provides theological education and leadership in pursuit of a just, sustainable and generative world. In addition to the Master of Divinity degree, the school offers master’s degrees in counseling, social justice, theological studies and practical theology, along with a Doctor of Ministry degree.
Danny Russell, communications director, 740-362-3322