July 25, 2024


Kate Common to discuss her book ‘Undoing Conquest’

Methodist Theological School in Ohio Assistant Professor of Public and Practical Theology Kate Common will discuss her new book, Undoing Conquest: Ancient Israel, the Bible, and the Future of Christianity at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 24. A panel of three MTSO faculty members will respond. The lecture, part of MTSO’s Alumni Day celebration, is presented by the Theological Commons at MTSO.

Undoing Conquest explores how biblical conquest narratives shaped Christian ideology, white-settler colonialism and genocide – and considers what to do about it.

The book dives into recent archeological research that reveals a new story of Israelite origins that can help reshape Christian identity and practice. It also presents tangible practices that churches can take to help repair harmful and ongoing legacies of Christian violence.

“This book is an important read for anyone important read for anyone looking for a fresh theological reflection on the Book of Joshua and a justice-oriented praxis for the Christian church today,” said Mitri Raheb, founder and president of Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem, West Bank.

Common holds a Ph.D. in theological studies from Boston University School of Theology, a Master of Arts in Theological Research from Andover Newton Theological School and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communication Design from Kent State University.

She is in the fourth of four academic years teaching at MTSO as a Louisville Institute postdoctoral scholar. She was elected to the MTSO faculty in November 2023.

Methodist Theological School in Ohio provides theological education and leadership in pursuit of a just, sustainable and generative world. In addition to the Master of Divinity degree, the school offers master’s degrees in public theology, social justice and theological studies, along with a Doctor of Ministry degree.


Danny Russell, communications director
drussell@mtso.edu, 740-362-3322