Cross-Cultural Immersion

Our students get a rare opportunity to experience another culture.

Each year, MTSO groups depart for faculty-led cross-cultural immersion trips of roughly two weeks. Previous destinations have included South Africa, Costa Rica, Mexico, India, Israel/Palestine and Korea.

This immersive experience, which is a requirement for those seeking master’s degrees, is not a mission trip. It is an opportunity to learn from and fully experience another culture, rather than attempting to “help” or impact cultures different from one’s own. The trip gives our students an opportunity to explore intersections of economic, ecological, racial, gender and LGBTQ+, and justice issues.

This experience is covered by tuition. For those unable to travel, a fully immersive online trip might be an option.

Trip locations and approximate travel dates are scheduled two to three years in advance. Trips typically take place during the January or summer term. Students work with their academic advisors and the registrar to determine which trips fit into their academic plan.

Recent cross-cultural trips

January Term 2023

Chiapas, Mexico (MA in Social Justice and Master of Divinity students), led by Associate Professor in the Alford Chair of Christian Education and Youth Ministry and Coordinator of Ecological Initiatives Tim Van Meter, and Assistant Professor of Public and Practical Theology Kate Common.

Summer Term 2023

Costa Rica (Master of Divinity students), led by Associate Dean Yvonne Zimmerman and Assistant Professor of Public and Practical Theology Kate Common.

January Term 2024

South Africa (Master of Divinity students), led by Assistant Professor of Public and Practical Theology Kate Common and adjunct faculty member Taylor Denyer.

Upcoming cross-cultural trips

Summer Term 2024

American South (Master of Divinity students), led by Associate Professor of Theology, Ecology and Race Christopher Carter.

January Term 2025

Arizona (MA in Social Justice and Master of Divinity students), leadership TBD.

Chiapas, Mexico (MA in Social Justice students), led by Associate Professor in the Alford Chair of Christian Education and Youth Ministry and Coordinator of Ecological Initiatives Tim Van Meter, and Assistant Professor of Public and Practical Theology Kate Common.

Summer Term 2025

Italy (Master of Divinity students), led by Associate Professor of Theology, Ecology and Race Christopher Carter.