MTSO on the Road

We love getting out and hearing the stories of people who are discerning the next step on their journey of leadership and service. If our travels take us close to where you'll be - in person or virtually - we hope you'll say hello.

If you believe MTSO should be represented at an event your college, university or organization is holding, please let us know at

Black Methodists for Church Renewal General Meeting

Los Angeles
March 19-22

Neighborhood Economics

Asheville, North Carolina
April 1-2

The Wesley at University of Arkansas Pine Bluff

Pine Bluff, Arkansas
April 14

Festival of Homiletics

May 12-15

Carolina Black Clergy Leadership Retreat

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
May 19-23

West Ohio Annual Conference

Bexley, Ohio
May 28-31

United Church of Christ General Synod

Kansas City
July 11-15

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) General Assembly

July 12-15

United Methodist Campus Ministry Association Summer Institute

July 15-18

Reconciling Ministries Network Convocation

Madison, Wisconsin
July 25-27

BEYOND: A Conference - East Coast Regional

Charlotte, North Carolina
Oct. 3-4

Theology Beer Camp

St. Paul, Minnesota
Oct. 16-18

Progressive Youth Ministry Conference

Austin, Texas
Nov. 13-15


BEYOND: A Conference - The Gathering

St. Louis
Feb. 23-24