Employee COVID-19 Protocol
Members of the MTSO community have observed COVID-19 protocols since the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, reflecting a balance between safety and a strong desire to be together in community.
These protocols have been updated periodically as scientific understanding of the virus and best practices for fighting it have evolved; guidelines from the Ohio Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are important sources of information in our decision-making.
As we have throughout the pandemic, we will pivot as needed in response to new realities.
Vaccination and booster requirements
All employees must be fully vaccinated and boosted in order to be present on campus. Unvaccinated employees are prohibited from participating off campus in in-person meetings or public events at which they are recognized as or understood to be participating as MTSO employees.
We require all who study, work and live on the MTSO campus to meet the CDC’s definition of “up to date” vaccination status. This currently means one booster shot in addition to the initial full vaccination. Our requirement also applies to any future boosters that might become widely available.
How to submit proof of vaccination status
Either of the following is acceptable proof of vaccination status:
- A CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card.
- A vaccination record from a physician’s office or online health portal.
Employees have three options for submitting proof they have been vaccinated to Coordinator of Human Resources Erin Wiggins.
Electronic submission: Cut a small piece of dark paper to cover only your date of birth on your CDC card or vaccination record. Attach a digital photo of the card to an email addressed to ewiggins@mtso.edu.
U.S. Postal Service: Cut a small piece of dark paper to cover only your date of birth on your CDC card or vaccination record. Make a photocopy of your record. Place in the mail addressed to:
Attn. Erin Wiggins
3081 Columbus Pike
Delaware, OH 43015
In-person appointment: Erin Wiggins is available for appointments Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to noon for those wishing to bring their proof of vaccination to her.
Applying for an exception to the vaccination requirement
We don’t anticipate a need for exceptions to MTSO’s requirement that employees be vaccinated. Employees seeking exceptions of any kind must email President Jay Rundell at jrundell@mtso.edu to schedule a meeting with President Rundell and Coordinator of Human Resources Erin Wiggins to discuss the request.
Masking is optional in MTSO's public indoor spaces such as the dining hall, the Centrum, the library and Meyer Lounge. Masking protocols for in-person class sessions will be made and communicated on a course-by-course basis. Personal decisions to continue masking will be respected throughout our community. Also, we will continue to offer free KN95 masks, which have been shown to help protect those who wear them from the virus.
Denial of housing privileges for noncompliance
Any unvaccinated employee who has not been granted an exception is required to move to or remain in an off-campus residence.